[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 33 BUSINESS DAYS] Home Based Point of Sale, Register, QR Code Scanning Distributor #162
$105,000 WIWO Ref: 1023679

This is a 28-Year-Trading, Point of Sale, Register, QR Code Scanning – Digital Food & Beverage Ordering & Related Consumable Product Supplier and Brisbane Based Distributor. This is a Well Known, Home Based & Respected Business Brand. Base from Home Anywhere in Brisbane (Supplying QLD Clients via Courier & Local Client Visits). Has Hundreds of Active Business Clients across a Diverse Base of Industries. Core Clients Include Schools, Hospitals, Major Brand Charities, Hospitality, Hotel Chains, Franchises etc. Enjoy a High Rate of Inbound and Repeat Purchasing (No Marketing/Advertising Needed)…For a Sales Growth of 11.16% in 20/21! Net Income $105,105.59 p.a. (20/21), $47,705.63 Jul-Dec; 6 months 21/22.
- This is a multi-decade point of sale system (POS), QR Code scanning/bar code-based food/beverage menu ordering and consumable product (till rolls etc) supplier and distributor. This being a low-cost operation, as is based from the comfort of this owner’s home based Brisbane office.
- Be financially supported by this growing Point of Sale (POS) product business, being constantly in demand, as there are hundreds of businesses requiring POS related products, now, contactless scanning, menu ordering via mobile phones, including those ordering till rolls for their registers, who have not yet joined the modern era of digitising clients’ transactions.
- This business also includes an ever-swelling passive income, as the owner of this business earns a percentage of each and every business client’s transaction, within their business. A growing number of clients are upgrading to QR scanning technology, which allows clients to order via their mobile phones. Imagine supplying clients with this in demand technology and product range. Earning a percentage of each and every transaction the client completes within their businesses…wow. Now, that’s a true passive income! This total passive income is now a sizeable and growing source of income, which continues to be deposited into the bank account, monthly and automatically.
- For a new motivated owner, there are so many more clients who could be converted to this new QR ordering technology, as it immediately saves the business labour costs. Clients place their orders themselves.
- Clients have remained long term and devoted to the brand over many years – even decades. This business provides a near predictable sales income, all be it another 11+ % having been added in 20/21, organically, thanks to existing client referrals and word of mouth activity (no marketing/advertising).
- There is an extremely high repeat ordering activity from its loyal business clients. Clients include government funded clients, schools, major charity and community organisations, hospitality based clientele, hospitals, major hotel chains, franchises, hospitality etc.
- This is a brand that clients know is not the cheapest, but is certainly one of the most trusted and well known within the greater Brisbane region. Providing clients with the products they cannot operate their businesses without. High service levels are provided and clients continue to simply order their register/POS system and eftpos receipt rolls (consumables).
- The balance of sales being new installations and upgrades of Point of Sale systems (being able to supply the products and brands that a business client desires). The supplier network provides all the support that this business requires to be confident with any system. All will be easily trained a new owner.
- The current owner has remained within this business for more than the last 16 years, but it’s now time for a change, being for change sake only.
- This would be an obvious and lucrative ‘bolt-on’ for an existing industry company, or great for any new owner as all will be trained, and no prior knowledge or industry background is required to continue profiting.
- This business needs a new and enthused owner to take up and action the many opportunities for immediate sales and profit growth, which are currently lying at this business’s feet. This business could be doubled rapidly. Simply approach new clients, as nothing has been done in this regard for more than the last year!
- We are on the cusp of the ATO beginning to implement seamless reporting and digital based transactional record keeping within businesses. This is the beginning of a conversion of business clients across to QR code and mobile scanning technology. With transactions now being captured more and more digitally (contactless), this business is in prime market position to profit big from the conversion now taking place within the greater market.
- Many more clients could be converted into core clients, purchasing often if a new owner was so motivated. The high rate of new clients arriving organically means more active marketing would only see greater increases – faster.
- Recurring and inbound based sales volumes provide a commercial comfort which most business owners are left to simply dream about…Here, you are the recipient of many home based lifestyle conveniences and financial benefits.
- This owner hasn’t needed to focus on marketing or sales growth as this has occurred naturally, thanks to a 28 year trading history and thousands of POS machines having this business’s ‘contact details sticker’ located throughout the greater market.
- Clients are not limited to the SE corner of QLD, but due to the high quality of clientele, many are notary and have a brand presence that requires they be where the greater Brisbane population are.
- Clients are also located throughout the remainder of QLD, including the Gold / Sunshine Coast regions…
Email and request the detailed business profile, as this is a low risk, cost and is a highly lifestyle supportive business, which just keeps on giving back to its owner. Enjoy a wonderfully fulfilling business which can continue financing your life for decades to come, all being for just $105K WIWO Open to all genuine offers
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