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Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 24 Business Days] Importer, Supplier, Distributor of Medical/Surgical, Health Care, Living Aids and Mobility Products #294
This is a High Net Income Importer, Supplier and Direct Distributor of Always in Demand Medical/Surgical, Health Care, Aged Care/Disability, Living Aids and Mobility Products. Contracted to Government and Other Major Institutions (i.e., 5x5 Years). This is Also an Internally Registered Product Supplier to 15+ Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Providers, Medical Companies. Referred by a Large Network of Occupational Therapists and Government Funded Institutions. This 30+ Year Trading Operation Invested Near No Money into Advertising in 2023! New Clients, Purchase Orders and High Repeat Ordering are Inbound and Organically Generated for this Long-Established Business.
Established for many decades, this is only the 2nd owner of this business in 32 years! This owner is open to remaining employed by the new owner for an agreed period, post transfer. Or simply retire from this industry if a new investor or industry related company wishes to replace his input with staff (he…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 19 Business Days] Importer and Wholesaler/Distributor of Organic, Gluten Free, Free Trade, Eco-Sustainable Products #279
This is One of The Nation’s Market Leaders Within This Fast Growing and High Demand Industry. A Boutique Operation Posting Millions of Dollars in Sales & Enjoys High Volume Ordering. This is a Direct Importer and Wholesaler/Distributor of a Large Range of Diverse Organic, Gluten Free, Free Trade, Eco-Sustainable Products (Food, Body/Personal, Baby & Cleaning Products and More). Exclusive Contracts for Distribution Included, as it Imports Directly and Proudly Wholesales/Distributes Nationally to a Large and Long-Term Network of Reseller/Business Clientele (Plus Export Clients, Major Health Food Product Distributors). Including an Always Growing, Direct to Consumer Online Sale Based Webstore...
Established for nearly two decades by this same owner, this is one of the nation’s leading businesses, one that literally “has it all” at its fingertips and under roof. This distribution business is able to be conveniently relocated to anywhere in Australia or to be immediately assumed into an existing organisation’s warehouse, saving ample money,…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 24 Business Days] Home-Based, Part-time, Online, Import and National Distribution Business #287
Enjoy the Spoils of Earning Big Bucks with this Online Only, Part-time and Home-Based Business. This Popular Essential Oil & Personal Product Range Ensures a High Repeat and Return Transaction Rate from Tens of Thousands of Clients Located around the Country. Now You Can Own this Import, National Online-Based Distribution Business. Let the 3rd Party Logistics/Warehousing Service Complete the Order Fulfilment, Saving You Time. All Clients Pay 100% Upfront – Making the Best Cashflow You Can Get! With a Massive 30,000+ Online Following and Client Database, So Much More is Possible from Here Under a New Owner’s Direction...
Established by this current owner, this importer, national online supplier of a large range of essential oils and related personal products revels in receiving not only a 100% paid upfront cashflow creating online orders but offers one of highest rates of repeat purchasing from its tens of thousands of clients and loyal followers. Combining these…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 18 Business Days] Unique, Niche Market Leader of Branded Packaging and Related Product Supply & Distribution #275
Established for More than a Decade and a Half, this is a Unique, Niche Market Leader Who Dominates this Segment of Branded Packaging and Related Product Supply & Distribution. Frankly, Business Clients will Always Require this Type of Product, In Order to Distribute, Package & Profit from their Goods. Providing a High Repeat and Return Order Base Which Converts into a High Net Income Yield. The Net Income Grew by A Whopping 35% (approx.) Thanks to Improved Efficiencies, Population Growth and Organic Referrals and Existing Client Expansion! There Being No Geographic Limits to the Supply of this Diverse, Business-to-Business Client Base…
It is exciting when a business of this calibre comes along, ready to be genuinely transferred by another who is entering a new chapter of business life. Having invested many years in making all the right improvements to the overall efficiencies, production processes and adding what was missing, to make for a robust, secure and…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 3.5 Months] Popular Brisbane Based Amusement Centre #255
Established for Many Years, this Brisbane Based Amusement Centre is Popular Among Parents, Children, Community/Sporting Groups, Schools/Kindergartens, After School Care and NDIS/Disability Funded Clients. This is a Destination Business Providing Great Fun and Inspires Ample Spending of Both Client’s Time and Money. With Organic Growth, Staff Management is in Place to Provide an Investor a Flexible and Optional Hour Input. This is One of the Best Ways to Become Extremely Well Funded, as Produces a High Net Income…Offers More than 90% (approx.) Pre-Booked and Pre-Paid Sales Online. Provides a Financial Security and Cashflow that Surpasses Most Other Business Types!
This Brisbane based and staff managed amusement centre is not only one of the very best business investments you will find in Australia, being a ‘stand out’ among all other business investments in general. As, it includes a long list of benefits for any new owner to enjoy and take wonderful financial proceeds from, no…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 2.5 Months] Online Supplier of Reusable Packaging, Household and Lifestyle Products Importer/Exporter, Wholesaler/Distributor #198
Established For 17 Years (Only 2 Owners During This Extended Trading Period), This Award Winning Direct Importer/Exporter, National Wholesaler/Distributor and Online Supplier of a High-Quality Range of Recyclable and Reusable Packaging, Lifestyle and Household Products, Is One of The Longest Established in Australia! This Remains One of The Nation’s Leaders Within This Niche Market, Supplying Nearly 1,000 National & International Wholesale Business Clients, High Repeat Order Stockists, and Major Distributors (Including Offshore Supply into Europe/US & Canada Etc.). Relying Upon Several 3PL Warehouses (On and Offshore), Whereby, All Stock Is Stored, Picked, Packed and Dispatched Without Needing to Touch Any Stock Yourself…
This is an extremely long established 17-year-old (2 owners only), founding member of the recyclable and reusable packaging, lifestyle and household product industry. Proud to be everything that it claims within this growing and consistently in demand market space. Its high and consistent, wholesale-based sales volumes also includes supplementary ‘paid upfront orders’ from its national…continue reading