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Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 27 Business Days] High Gross Profit, Low Time Input Vending Service #299
Established 13 Years, this Greater Brisbane Vending Service Business’s Sales have Increased Every Year for the Last Half Decade! This Would have to be One of the Most Resilient, Time Efficient and “Easy” Ways to Make a Passive Income! This Net Income is High for Minimal Time Invested Per week. Also Transferring a Large Number High Value, Quality Brand “Combo” Machines. It takes approx. 3 Days to Collect Cash Money & Replace Stock. This Cashflow Positive Operation Offers Ample Free Time for Any Home-Based Owner. Enjoy Extended Long Weekends - Every Week! This Higher than Industry Gross and Net Profit is Based Upon a Diversity of Income Receipted from a High Number of Quality and Long Term Business Sites (Loyal for 7-10+ Years).
This owner is now transferring this business package for “change sake” only. This business is ready for a new owner or existing vending industry business to “bolt this on”. This investment is the provider of a great lifestyle, ample free time and gives convenient access to ample net income returns. This is the reality for…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 20 Business Days] Importer, Market Leading Wholesaler/Distributor and Online Supplier Plush Toy Products #236
Multi Award Winning Designer, Importer, Wholesaler / Distributor and Online Retail, of a Large & Renowned Range of Quality Plush Stuffed Animal Companions. This is a Direct Importer, Market Leading National Wholesaler/Distributor and Online Supplier (Own Webstore) of High-Quality Plush Toy Products. Offers a Large Range of ‘Own Brand’ Products and Supplies One of Australia’s Largest and Unique Plush Toy Range. This Business has So Few Direct Competitors and Boasts a High 62.91% (approx.) Gross Profit Margin. Sales Grew Organically in 21/22 by 14.76% (approx.)! Online Sales & Reseller Volumes Continue to Grow. Enjoys Massive Repeat Orders from Long-Term Wholesale Stockists, Resellers & Online Suppliers Nationally (Includes Many Government Funded Organisations). This ‘Always in Demand’ Animal Plush Toy Product Supplier is both COVID-19 and Recession Proof!
This investment would have to be one of the very best in Australia, due to being one of Australia’s largest importers and national wholesalers/distributors (and exporters) of a very extensive and unique range of high-quality animal plush toys. The fact is that this is one of the best investments to own in the country, evidenced…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 3 Business Days] Long Established Fence & Related Product Hire Business #312
This is Near Two Decade Long Established Fence Hire & Related Product Business, Offering Any New Owner or Existing Strategically Aligned Industry Business, with an Immediate Market Leading Position and High Profit in QLD. With a Massive Plant & Equipment Value. This High Net Income Yield and Total Bankable Amount “Could Make Anyone Blush”! By Having a Whopping Net Income to Sales Ratio of 73.22 Cents for Every Dollar Earned as Net Profit ‘23, Making for a “One of Kind” Hire Based Investment. Proven as Ultra Profitable and Efficient, Thanks to Many Combined and Unique/Exclusive Factors, This is Just One of the Most Time, Labour and Cost Efficient Business Models You’ll Come to Know in Decades!
This genuine owner is starting a new chapter of life as a retiree, and the new owner or existing company taking over, will certainly be “where the money flows in quickly”. This is a passive style of investment and is proud to present as one of the very best of its kind, within this fast…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 1.5 Months] Boutique Producer, Wholesaler/Distributor and Online Supplier of Gourmet Foods #298
This is a 22 Year Trading, Gold Coast Based Boutique Producer, Wholesaler/Distributor and Online Supplier of Gourmet Foods. Products Include Slices, Muffins, Friands, Cakes, Biscuits and Savoury Food Products (Also Gluten Free and Vegan Options). Provides its Long Term and Diverse Industry Base with Deliveries Throughout the Fast-Growing Regions of Gold Coast, Brisbane and Beyond, via Courier. Sales Grew Organically by 9.24% (approx.) in ’23. Supplies Large Food Wholesalers/Distributors & Resellers and has Ample Capacity within its HACCP – 5 Star Rated Facility. Fully Trained Staff Produce Products for this Part-Time Hour Operation. Enjoy High Repeat Ordering and Great Paying Clients; Hospitals, Councils, IGA’s, Government Funded and Major Convention/Exhibition, Event Organisations, Cafes/Hospitality, Taverns/Hotels etc…
There are ample existing clients providing a solid and growing sales and profit base, which any new owner or food company could directly benefit from. This business is growing organically, but at such a fast pace! It’s all about quality. This transfer is only happening due to family health reasons. Take this enviable list of…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 8 Business Days] Staff Managed Family Medical Practice #286
Central to a Fast-Populating Area of Greater Brisbane, Being Just a 20-30 Minute Drive from the CBD, this Family Medical Practice is Staff Managed for its New Owner. Offering Clients and the New Investor, Industry Based Company with the Potential Sales, and Profit Growth from 6 Consultation Rooms. Plus, a Pathology Room which Subsides a Massive 60%+ of the Total Monthly Rental of this Large Clinic. The Commercial Security Comes from Doctors being Contracted and Set to Remain Working for Years to Come… The Net Returns are Highly Rewarding for a Non-Doctor Owner – And Even Higher for a Medical or Allied Health Practitioner!
Email now and request your own copy of the detailed business profile to read. This is a genuine transfer for the owner of this medical practice, and from our 17-year history of transferring medical businesses, this is not expected to last long on the market, especially after you read what’s on offer with the ‘total…continue reading
Sold [SOLD – Offer Received Within 4.5 Months] Niche Waste Industry Cleaning Service #272
This is a 16 Year Trading (Same Owner), Niche Waste Industry Cleaning Service. This is One of the Market Leaders within this Fast-Growing Gold Coast Region. Home Based, Part-time & Flexible Owner Hours, Having Full-time Staff to Support the Organically Growing Client Jobs. This is a Preferred Service Provider to Major Body Corporates, Hi-Rises, Industrial, Commercial Businesses, Motels, and Residential Homeowner’s/Renters. Includes Exclusive Client Servicing, Pre-Paid and Pre-Booked Income ‘Set and Forget Income’ Received Regularly and Over Many Years! This is a High Profit Yield, Lucrative, Low Cost and Great Cashflow Business. An ‘Always in Demand’ Service - Population Growth is Generating Exponential Growth and Profitability…
After being established by the current owner for 16 years, this business comes with not only unique and customised equipment, providing clear barriers to entry, it also includes differentiated ways of doing things that achieve far more time, labour and cost efficiencies than its few marketplace competitors. This 16-year proven trading history and business model…continue reading