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[SOLD – FULL PRICE OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS!!] Highly Time & Effort Leveraged Online Business #225

$39,950 WIWO Ref: 1023730

This is a Highly Time & Effort Leveraged Online Business (Staff Operated for Majority of Trading Years). This ia a National Online Product Supply Business, Able to Be Based from the Comfort of Any Home Office in Australia! No Stock, as 100% is Ordered & Paid Upfront Online & Drop-Shipped by Suppliers…Specialising in Providing What Small and Medium Businesses, Including Schools/Govt Departments Will Always Require - Safety Products, Including WH&S Materials/Manuals etc. Cashflow is King Here…And is Ultimately Scalable to a New Owner’s Heart’s Desire!

  • This would have to be the epitome of what modern, home based and online operations have to offer any investor. The key is to leverage the time and effort of the owner (who presently holds down a full-time position elsewhere, works in a different industry). Suppliers fulfil all client orders, including clients able to pay upfront and receive their legislatively required safety and WH&S/ OH&S manuals and materials with a press of a button.
  • This business has a proven and highly effective system of providing stock and information via email and the main website, online. There is a myriad of different industries that this business supplies and caters to, nationally.
  • Not only being ultimately scalable, enabling further sales and profit growth without increasing infrastructure costs, labour or stock storage costs, this business quite simply, provides a long-established business model which outsources its safety product supply to its suppliers. Making this investment a 100% drop-shipped mode. It is also a provider of the latest, state by state provider of highly relied upon safety manuals and materials for business clients to remain compliant with, on-going. This includes only taking minutes to customise this material as a client requires it, so that it can meet their safety related, legislative needs.
  • This is a proud provider of 100% paid upfront client payments, (with the exception of schools/government departments.)
  • This long-term trading business and brand have an extensive client database and have not been actively marketed or advertised for many years.
  • This business has been operated under full staff management for the majority of its trading years, with all areas of this operation being highly systemised and extremely well documented, so that this management could provide profits for this absent owner.
  • This owner shares time with full-time employment, making this investment a convenient “side-line” operation, one that is passive in nature, and purely on-line (existing clients can email and phone in their orders as well).
  • All in all, a new owner is required to give this business the time and focus that it deserves, with this owner seeking change after a near decade and a half of trading.
  • For any new owner or existing industry related business, this enterprise can be grown exponentially! This is an extremely low-cost operation and includes ample intellectual property and an incredibly diverse client and industry base in which to expand from.
  • This is a flexible hour, on-line based lifestyle business making the best use of modern business attributes, which are largely envied, but few enjoy the fruits of such a lucrative and time leveraged structure.
  • This business will most benefit from a new owner’s undiverted attention, all be it for flexible hours, 5 days only (if not part-time hours, dependent upon how large the enterprise is grown and what marketing/business development activities are being implemented by a new owner).
  • Without Google campaigning for years, orders still prevail from existing and returning business clients. This is just a business which save clients money and will always remain in demand, even legislatively required!
  • Settle into growing this very well-established brand and settle into the comfort of a home office, therefore, locate anywhere in Australia.
  • Sales are primarily being generated from inbound based (passive), re-ordering activities from clients such as; childcares, schools/universities, blue collar businesses, government, sporting clubs, general businesses etc.
  • This business acts as a sales/marketing hub, with nearly all client orders (except schools/govt) are paid upfront, before dispatching anything – which automatically reduces any commercial risks.
  • Majority of all client orders are dispatched directly to clients, by trusted suppliers or information is emails/downloaded instantly upon full payment being receipted by this business. This is all without this owner having to touch any stock!
  • Use this vastly time leveraged investment and rev up its marketing engine, at will. This business deserves a new owner’s focus and attention, as this owner can’t provide this, due to other career priorities, hence the reason to transfer now after 14 years for the OH&S product supply business, for example (only ever 1 owner) of this unique business.
  • This is ripe for the transfer, being simple and dynamic in nature. No prior industry experience required. Let your computer make money for you and have the knowledge that your ability to make more money is not limited geographically. Grow, grow, and provide what nearly every business requires – often! 

Priced to transfer relatively quickly, as is a genuinely motivated owner. All this for $39,950 WIWO

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