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[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 37 BUSINESS DAYS] Home Based Online Only, Highly Automated Web Based Toy Business #168

$149,000 + SAV Ref: 1023462

Locate from a Home Base Anywhere in Australia…This is an Online Only, Highly Automated & Systemised Web Based Toy Business. Being a Highly Time Efficient & Effective Webstore and eBay Store. With Such Low Labour Costs, this is One Extraordinary Online Toy Product and Related Merchandise Provider. It Offers Licensed and Internationally Renowned Product Ranges, which Generates a Massive Online Demand & Subsequent Sales and Profits, Per Annum. There are Few Others Like This Operating Online in Australia!

  • This highly popular webstore and business brand leads the online market for toys and related merchandise, due to having many of the most renowned and sought-after brands represented. Not only are these product ranges and related brands internationally renowned, and highly sought after by parents and loved by millions of children, their popularity organically generates this business’s ongoing sales volumes.
  • This business being an approved online distributor and major brand/s representative.
  • There being so few of this type of business competing online, as most don’t offer this business’s stock lines. With such a grand stock representation, it has since maintained a top market position, with its sales continuing to grow and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars of sales – heading towards the million p.a.!
  • Leading with one of the very best domain names that any toy industry business could ever want or hope to have online, this is most certainly a fast-growing business. This is resulting from having many combined attributes.
  • Has recently taken on yet other supplier with thousands of products on offer, being 100% drop-shipped by this large supplier on behalf of this business (requiring so little time and energy to convert even more sales).
  • The online and website based transactional arena is the way of the future and for anyone who wants to be funded by the changing behaviours of our communities, and those who are spending more than ever before online, then hop aboard this profitable ‘gravy train’!
  • Due to this business’s approved standing among the largest brand suppliers within the toy industry, this business offers a commercial security that most other online businesses don’t come close to experiencing!
  • Yes, with a highly effective, customised software management system in place, including added plug-ins, allows for an even greater webstore functionality for its thousands of users. The one entry product listing and it being automatically uploaded to several other web based platforms, means that this business offers one of the most time efficient operations any internet business investor could want.
  • Nationally, this business is one of the largest of its kind, supplying clients of all ages with toys, games and associated products, able to dispatch products to anyone living anywhere in the nation. This business shot to online stardom and assumed an even great percentage of national market share, when it secured brands that most parents desire to purchase for their children.
  • It boasts a unique product segments including having the support and sales results from 144 key and top searched words online. Thousands of clients can effectively find this business’s website and purchasing ensues – naturally.
  • The client database is in excess of 10,000 (approx..), and the website has been built well from the very beginning. Everything is in order and all elements of this online business have been well thought through and executed.
  • This owner always wanted to make more money in less time, with this business and how it has been grown and developed over time makes it easier to do so.
  • This owner was determined to make one of the most highly functional and user-friendly websites in the market. This is a ‘stand out’ business due to the product brands it represents, blocking so many other competitors from competing against this business.
  • They say that online marketing is competitive, it sure is – as it is simply the place to own a business. The multi-billion dollar online giant Amazon, posted an exponential sales growth of 27+% in 20/21…
  • No other time in history have we witnessed such mass conversion of consumers who are entering the online space, ordering their products online instead of venturing into their local stores.
  • Online ordering is fast becoming the new way of life for many, especially the millions of people in Australia who are frequently kept in lockdown within their own homes.
  • COVID-19 has simply accelerated the rate of online purchasing for the average man and woman, as clients are now using their devices and phones to buy. Even online banking has been made far more efficient using a mobile phone (being for most bank customers).
  • This business continued to assume more and more market share, since inception years ago, once new clients discovered this website and this subsequent supplier of such a large range of products. This provider stocks the entire range of branded products, unlike major department stores which only offer a splattering of options.
  • By making it easier for clients to navigate a website, they have rewarded this business with their money. Purchases are continually growing, as with the total number of product suppliers who wish to support and hitch a ride on this ‘winning’ online provider and national product distributor.

This business would not be transferred if it were not for a personal family situation which requires this owner to transfer this great income base and high growth sales revenues to a new owner (all will be trained, extensively). All is already in place, which makes succeeding online even the easier! Be fast, or you’ll miss out on this one – certainly not to be missed. All for just $149K + SAV ($100-110K approx.)

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