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[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 2 MONTHS] Importer, Wholesaler/Distributor of ‘Niche’ Product Fasteners, Nuts/Bolt Products #154

$298,000 + SAV Ref: 1023463

Established by this Current Owner for More Than the Last Decade, this is a Market Leading Importer, National Wholesaler/Distributor of One of Australia’s Largest Ranges of ‘Niche’ Product Fasteners, Nuts/Bolt & Related Products. With Long Term and Trusted Suppliers Both on and Offshore, Hundreds of Wholesale and Reseller Clients Nationally Return Regularly to Order From this Supplier. It’s Not Easy to Compete Against this Player. A 3PL-Warehouse/Logistics Co. Stores, Picks, Packs and Dispatches this Business’s Many Client Orders, So Be Located Anywhere in the Nation. Even Bolt this Lucrative Profit onto an Existing Product Supply Business!

  • Established by the current owner for more than the last decade (founding owner), this business is one of those well protected, ‘high barrier to entry’ niche market segment and highly scalable investments.
  • It makes the greatest use of outsourcing the storing of stock, picking, packing and dispatching of one of the nation’s largest ranges of unique product skus, being the leader within this particular niche segment of the greater fastener/nut & bolt supply industry. At the push of a few keyboard keys and spending an average of a few hours per week visiting the drop-shipper, this owner enjoys sitting comfortably within his home office and conveniently sends an emailed order to the ultra-reliable, 3PL warehouse/logistics business.
  • This business boasts a large and loyal national wholesaler/resellers clientele, who place regular and inbound based product orders. The large existing database has a thousand (approx.) client contacts available to be actively marketed to… (being under-utilised for many years and could be tapped into and used to its fullest potential by a new owner).
  • Its high repeat and inbound based ordering clientele, provide the core and ever-growing sales growth. Sales growth has been 23.62% in 20/21 – YTD. The net income, part year nearly eclipsing the total net income posted in the entire 19/20 year!
  • This business is an ideal ‘bolt-on’, which would prove ultimately profitable and easily scalable for any clients supplying the same type of clientele and industries i.e. Already distributing lubricants, abrasives, cleaners, tools and many other products related to fasteners/nuts/bolts/screws etc. 
  • Sales growth has continued for nearly the last 5 trading years, at least…
  • This owner is left to lap up the time and lifestyle flexibilities of only needing to invest part-time hours, per week. He does not need to touch or deliver stock, being mainly involved in the receiving of regularly emailed, inbound and organically generated product ordering, being from the long term loyal and extensive network of national wholesale/reseller business clients.
  • Client orders are simply emailed onto the outsourced 3PL warehousing/logistics company.
  • There is ample expansion possibilities for this ‘high barrier to entry’ niche market leader, as it is renowned for being the ‘go to supplier’ for a range of products that most majors and larger corporate product suppliers don’t have to offer clients readily, hence this business’s market leading position.
  • Base this lucrative, profitable and growing product distribution business anywhere in Australia, as can be based from any home office, or bolted onto an existing fastener, nut & bolt product operation in which to expand market share instantly.
  • Competitively priced, this provider has what others don’t and is extremely proud of it!
  • Offering them at value for money prices, not requiring the infrastructure that most other businesses or larger corporate companies have. This is a nimble player, satisfying a niche market segment that has continued to grow.
  • Now, this is one of those ‘fly under the radar’ importation and national product distribution businesses, which has continued to dominate this particular segment, and also boasts maintaining a client loyalty that has kept competitors out for more than the last decade.
  • There being ample more sales and potential clientele to tap into around the country, if a new owner was so enthused and inspired. For this owner, due to the level of net income already being received for only part-time hours, from the comfort and convenience of a home base, he is not motivated to grow this endeavour, as a new owner would be.
  • This is just a well-built operation, having combined all the right elements, which makes it a low cost and risk operation, which continues to generate a regular and inbound based, product order rate, per week.
  • Enjoying the long term support of a high quality on and offshore supply chain means that this business can maintain its competitive edge. Able to easily source what others can’t!
  • This business has not been available for transfer on the open market since its inception, so we recommend that you don’t let this opportunity pass you by. This is a very special investment, being unique in so many ways….
  • An existing or related industry product wholesaler/distributor could add a robust net income and 100’s of additional wholesale/reseller clients to their fold, instantly!
  • This is an organically grown business, with its total advertising spend being limited to $2-3.5K p.a. This is the nation’s ‘one stop provider’ for the wide range of niche market and distributed products. This business would be the ‘head and shoulder’ national market leader within its niche market segment (having few competitors nationally of this business’s kind, providing this product range and type). There are ultimate advantages in being able to further expand the existing product range. This business benefits from a diverse product, supplier and business client base, which means that the overall commercial risks are largely mitigated for a new owner.
  • National product wholesalers and resellers simply know that this business offers them the convenience of sourcing a large range of products, from the one importer/distributor – being quick and easy to phone or email in their orders.
  • This net income is the result of only investing the equivalent time of – part days, all thanks to outsourcing all product management to the extremely reliable and accurate 3rd Party company. This outsourced and drop-shipped model makes this investment all the better for owning. Time leveraging is the way of the future and simply makes for a ‘smart’ business…
  • This business shares the custom and ordering from nearly all the same wholesale/reseller clientele nationally, that all the major fastener industry players supply to. The type of products being distributed by this business is simply differentiated from the majors, meaning that their clientele also need this business as their complimentary niche product supplier (needed to satisfy all the reseller’s client product requests). There being hundreds upon hundreds of national fastener/nuts/bolts/screw product resellers, and many more adjacent to these main wholesale clients and suppliers to the end user and trade based business community.

This brand and long-standing business are a testament to modern day operating, with this nation distribution business being ready to be grown and profited from…now and into the future. All for just $298K + SAV $80-110K – Fast moving stock (not stored or touched by this owner)

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