[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 11 BUSINESS DAYS] Market Leading Food & Beverage, Janitorial and Packaging Product Wholesalers/Distributors and Suppliers #095
$515,700+ SAV Ref: 1023218

Established for Many Decades, this is One of the Largest, Market Leading Food & Beverage, Janitorial and Packaging Product Wholesalers/Distributors and Suppliers Dominating its Fast Growing Catchment Areas. Includes a High Number of Schools, Service Stations, Childcares, Food Service Clients. This Large, Multi-Million Dollar Sales Business Offers a Large Number of Exclusive, Main Brand Distribution Agreements, and Offers a Large Range of Products. Its Highly Efficient Software and Online Ordering Systems are Fully Integrated and Make for a Highly Profitable Investment, as Does its Hundreds of Diverse Industry Clientele. A Single Owner Could Attend this Business or Have it Fully Staff Managed!
- Established for decades, but most impressive is that the clientele have largely remained for more than the last decade, thanks to this business providing a highly personalised and responsive, technology supported process for client and supplier ordering. This is one highly efficient business model, able to nearly double its sales just over 5 years! With the expansion of its client base, as with the diversity of its sales across hundreds of core and high repeat, regularly ordering clients, makes for a multi-million dollar turnover business, which has posted high profits in 19/20 and current sales just seem to keep climbing. The existing client base has been greatly expanded, and their average dollar sale increased thanks to the introduction of many more exclusively held distribution contracts. The products supplied to many are mainstream and very well respected, always in demand.
- This would have to be one of the best types of wholesalers you’ll find in many years. It not only dominates the market, and has done for its many decades of trading, the previous owner remaining for nearly 2 decades alone! These client orders occur like clock-work, being place by great paying clients, the highest order of clients in fact, being a specialist in quasi-government funded clients such as schools, childcares, hospital, airport etc. The balance of clientele are food and beverage related businesses from across many sectors of the community.
- The diversity of clientele is only matched by this business’s diverse and extremely large product range.
- It offers any new owner and its existing and growing client base with a highly sophisticated, online, and fully integrated ordering and inventory control system, making it easy for the staff on team to continue posting multi-million dollar sales volumes, per annum, and this being consistent over the last four consecutive financial years, at a minimum! This includes COVID-19 affected periods.
- The fact is that for hundreds of local businesses and those who support the fabric of our very society, they all required products from this business, be it food, beverages, chilled, frozen, packaging, janitorial products etc.
- With this high number of main and recognised product brand exclusive/sole distribution agreements in place, what exists here within this business, is only the beginning of much more, in future…
- The client retention will literally stun, as will the positive cashflow being collected.
- The financial security offered by this business is astounding, all thanks to this extremely high number of high quality and great paying clients being supplied a myriad of different products.
- What mitigates risk is diversity, and this business offers any new investor it, in spades! A diverse product range, clientele, supplier base, distribution and brand representation and has a long list of exclusive agreement protections etc.
- This business makes it hard for competitors to get a look in, as what is provided clients is what they want, a service they remain loyal to for many years.
- This business can be relocated, and a single business owner can remain working on this business, in house, or choose to replace these hours with staff.
- This owner’s role includes overseeing the financial reports of the business, and keeping a close eye on purchases, as any good owner wants to. The day to day collecting and fulfilling client orders are managed by the well trained team.
- This business offers any new owner, from any background a secure market share and many segments ready for immediate expansion.
- It also makes economic sense for a related industry business to “bolt” this business on to an existing operation, achieving immediate economies of scale. This business could be absorbed into an existing premise, for example. Any duplicated task can be absorbed by existing team members etc.
- Instantly add one of this region’s most lucrative and profitable investments to your life. A brand trusted by hundreds upon hundreds and being one of the largest of its kind, able to offer what most others don’t.
- Enjoy the 80%+ client retention enjoyed for decades, and make the best use of the latest technologies, all in the name of making money in the ‘smartest way’ possible. Continue wholesaling what clients require, on-going, so that they can continue profiting from their businesses.
This is a highly profitable business & smart business operation/model (low cost), focuses on distributing great profit margin products, supported by its high volume sales, achieved year on year. This is a rewarding business structure. The team is in place, as with a highly successful, secure, and solid business base. This is a unique wholesale/distribution business, being a very high quality one. All for just $515,700 + SAV (fast moving stock $150K approx.)
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