[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 11 BUSINESS DAYS] Staff Managed, Highly Systemised, Fully Integrated and Largely Automated Online Tutoring Service #246
$320,000 WIWO Ref: 1023846

This is a Staff Managed, Highly Systemised, Fully Integrated and Largely Automated Online Tutoring Service Business. Includes a High Volume of Constantly Received, Pre-Paid Passive Income from Students and Parents. Offering a Large Network of the Highest-Quality Tutors (Owner Does Not Tutor Clients). Sales Have Grown Every Year for the Last 3 Years! Provides Any New Investor, Located Anywhere in Australia with a Free-Time Lifestyle of 5 Hours Invested p/wk (approx.), as the Business Manager Does the Rest… Own this Online Business and Enjoy or Further Expand this Already Lucrative Passive Income!
- It all began for this current owner around 12 years ago, when an innocent and inadvertent online post erupted into one of the most unexpected following of tens of thousands of students. All were seeking ways to improve their methods of studying at school. It quickly became obvious to this owner that this was synonymous with ‘striking proverbial gold’ within this niche service-based market!
- A massive ‘vein of gold’ had been struck, revealing an untapped client demand from both parents and students alike. With clients wanting and needing more support in relation to ‘how to improve their methods of learning and studying’. Parents want to support their enrolled sons and daughters, plus students putting their hands up wanting more help and guidance. This overwhelming response received from the open market of potential tutoring clients led to the creation of this staff managed and highly effective online service business, many years ago. Some might say the rest is history…
- This popularity and obvious greater market response from students and parents gave way to the beginnings of what has since become an online and service-based phenomenon for this brand. In addition to providing a network of a high number of quality tutors, being for the direct benefit of a high volume of students enrolled into this online based system, a massive library of mainly generic study resources and helpful information will also be transferred to the new owner (not requiring any prior skills or knowledge). It has taken many, many years to create this large base of intellectual property, which is ready to be rolled out for the benefit of students in other states of Australia. These materials have been proven by students to be invaluable tools to improve their scholastic achievements.
- This owner knows that there are only a few businesses in the market like this one, and no other is exactly the same as the offering provided here. Having gone about making the greatest use of technology to automate so much of its operation, this owner need only invest an average of 5 hours per week, as is staff managed and the systems run the process of tutor service delivery.
- This owner always wanted to be ‘done out of a job’, and that this business’s profiting was not reliant upon the owner’s hours invested, able to provide an on-going, passive income whilst being run by staff. This being understood to be the smartest business models of all to own!
- After creating copious amounts of study materials, hints, tips, and resources that can be provided clients (70% – approx. of all resources/materials can be generically applied to “how to study effectively” for any grade of student). The rest being tailored to the curriculum of each student’s year level.
- This manager oversees the day-to-day operation, liaises with the large body of students and tutors, with both being contracted to this business.
- The sales growth experienced by this online and home-based business is largely organically driven. Online marketing material remains online i.e., social media posts and blogs etc. All remaining in support of the on-going popularity of this tutoring brand.
- The future growth of this online service business and its present automated structure is not geographically restricted. Being highly scalable and ready to be duplicated, to reach even more students and parents in need. Therefore, continue to roll this out into many other states of Australia and provide support for even more student years.
- This business has organically focused on its clients being mainly located in and around the greater metropolitan areas, where there is a greater population base and overall client demand for this business’s tutoring services.
- As, there will always be new students entering the education system, each and every year. This online and largely automated system has proven highly effective in attracting new clients to the fold. A new owner needs no prior skills, knowledge, or background, as will be fully trained and given the ‘road map’ to continue with this successful model.
- This owner is also open to remaining on to support the new owner with social media and/or on-line marketing etc.
- This business has been time proven and has worked effectively for so many years. There is also a natural increase in demand for more tutoring services as students enter the higher grades of their scholastic journey.
- This owner is proud to transfer this ultimately scalable online tutoring business, providing a highly time and effort supportive business, which has proudly done this owner ‘out of a job’ – So, come and enjoy the free time per week this online business rewards you with and continue to build or simply keep on profiting passively!
- This owner chooses to remain responsible for the bank account, financial management duties and enjoys liaising with the manager. Very little marketing online or otherwise has been done recently, as all is already online and in place, with hundreds of articles already online, acting as unpaid ‘salespeople’ for this business – day in and day out, without needing to invest more money. This business’s profile must be read to be believed, so email and request your copy now.
This rare, unique, and largely automated online tutoring service business is being transferred for just $320K WIWO Open to all genuine offers
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