[SOLD – Offer Received Within 16 Business Days] Specialist Niche Market Wholesaler/Distributor and Supplier of Industrial Supplies #191
$795,000 + SAV Ref: 1023851

Established for More Than the Last Decade by This Current Owner, This is a Specialist Niche Market Wholesaler/Distributor and Supplier of Industrial Supplies to Businesses (Including Supplying Clients in Bulk From an Outsourced 3PL Logistics Company). There Have Been Naturally Growing Sales, Nearly 20% In 20/21! The Client Demand Continues to Grow. Outsourcing Its Light Production and Bulk/Palletised Supply. This Business’s Sales Have Grown Nearly Every Year to Date…Providing Ample Opportunity to Double the Sales Again Due to The High Rate of Job Orders. Inbound Referrals and Web Enquiry Rates Are Also High and Includes Supply to A Very High Number of Industrial Product Re-Sellers…
- Established for more than the last decade by the current owner, due to being such a high quality and market leading business within this niche and specialist market segment, this Brisbane based supplier of industrial supplies is now available for the very first time for transfer.
- This highly profitable investment offers any new owner a plethora of opportunities in which to grow actively, or to simply enjoy the high rate of sales and profit growth, occurring organically. With such a massive gross profit margin on offer, low overheads, and having proven its incredibly ‘smart’ business mode beyond all doubt (as its operational and financial rewards are plentiful and currently in action), This business chooses to outsource the majority of its bulk product supply and light production to larger suppliers, who are ready to double output immediately, when the new owner requires it.
- Well, the client order demand and in particular in bulk is certainly there for the taking for this distribution and supply business.
- This is a unique and large business, proud of being able to transfer a loyal and extremely long-term business and reseller business client base, many of whom have remained purchasing regularly from this trusted and renowned brand for more than the last 10 years.
- For any new owner (no matter their background, skill or prior industry knowledge, due to the simple nature of this distribution and supply organisation), or for an existing market player, this would be one of the very best and most strategic transfers of a large market share and niche distributor, in decades!
- Lucrative doesn’t even truly capture what is on offer within this total business package, the detailed business profile provides the road map of success and beneficial attributes that this business stands proud to deliver.
- This business has also afforded the owner the freehold building, also being on offer for the right owner/investor.
- This wholesaler/distributor and direct to business consumable product supplier has such a high number of core, diverse industry and very well spread by percentage, business and re-seller clients. There being no more than 2.5% (approx.) of annual sales being generated by its largest purchasing client. This is financial and operational security at its best!
- Oh, let’s not forget the all-important net income yield being driven to the bottom line by this unique operational system, market positioning and inbound ordering activity in play. The net income is highly rewarding, as with most of what’s involved with the owning of this venture.
- Long term clients (including large government organisations) have made this business their preferred, even exclusive product supplier/distributor, and with these high rates of repeat product ordering, receiving regular inbound orders has been the focus for so many years of its trading. This owner not having to focus on actively generating new clients, the business has historically been referred or arrived via the website, online.
- The client and supplier payment terms are highly supportive, so that any new owner or existing company can make plans for the immediate doubling of sales – over time, without the high costs and further infrastructure investment.
- Just wait until you find out how this business ticks, yes, it makes its money just like clockwork! Reliably and predictably. Given that this description also reflects its client servicing and product supply approach, it is most fitting description for this unique and well positioned brand in the greater market.
Open to all genuine offers for only $795K + SAV ($250K approx.) Open to all genuine offers
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