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[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 2 BUSINESS DAYS] Online Only, Wholesaler & Distributor of Packaging & Bag Products #118

$94,500 WIWO Ref: 1023316

This is a Home Based, Online Only, National Wholesaler/Distributor of a Large Range of Always In Demand, Business-to-Business, Corporate & Government Unbranded & Branded Packaging Products. 100% of Client Orders Are Auto-Sent, and Drop-Shipped By Onshore Supplier/s and Includes a High Level of Automation, Thanks to a Time Efficient Software Management System. This Business Model Allows Any New Owner, No Matter their Background to Grow this Business Exponentially, Without Investing More Time. Currently Requires 1 hour per day, 5 days only, on Average.

  • This Online Business Can be Based From Any Home in Australia, As No Stock, Nor Staff are Required In-House.  All Money Received is also Paid 100% Upfront by Wholesale Clients. Having a 2,500 Wholesale Business Client base, Which Includes High Quality Business and Corporate Clients, with A Good Percentage Returning Regularly to Make their Purchases. There exists massive potential to grow this 15 year established, online only wholesale product distribution business. 
  • Well established for 15 years, by the current, home based and minimal hour owner. This would have to be one of the smartest, most automated, and sophisticated online business models available on the market today. With 100% of client orders being automatically emailed to the suppliers, and they store the stock, pick, pack and fulfil each and every client order on behalf of this business and owner.
  • There exists potential to import the top selling products, as a strong and stable return purchasing base of national wholesale business clients, will also be transferred.
  • These branded and unbranded packaging products will always be required by businesses and corporate clientele (including quasi government clients). You’ll be delighted when you know what products these are…
  • This is a 100% online and home-based business, making this a low cost endeavour. This is a highly successful online operation which offers a new owner the stability and on-going ordering activity from thousands of new & existing business and corporate clients. Many of whom have come to rely upon this highly effective and dependable supplier for these always in demand products, (no real high or low season). These clients need to re-order regularly, to make their sales!
  • Includes a package of multiple domain names, and a large quality product range. A supplier engagement which spans the last 13 years. There also being ample client target markets to approach and promote to.
  • This business owner has done very little, other than have a small Google AdWords budget per month. Nothing else has needed to be done for many years, and yet, sales ensue passively. All 100% paid upfront, with no credit accounts being extended to wholesale business clients.
  • This is a business to business, wholesale/distribution based webstore business, offering clients trade prices, and their own business log-ins.
  • This is also a cashflow positive business, with clients all paying upfront and suppliers extending long credit terms 60+ days.
  • There are highly supportive suppliers in place, long term, having worked alongside this business since inception.  Client orders are automatically managed and receipted by the highly customised and sophisticated software management system, making this business’s online process one of the most time and effort efficient.
  • This business package includes a well-establishedbrand,multiple domain names, a high-ranking website (cost $50K),which generatesa vast number of ongoing and inbound client orders – all being passively received.

This business has built an excellent brand reputation. Offering a plethora of further opportunities to increase the sales and net income. Ample potential to grow this business for any new owner, located anywhere in Australia, all whilst investing minimal hours per week! All for just $94,500 WIWO

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Photos Used are for Indicative Purposes Only

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