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[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 18 BUSINESS DAYS] Profitable, Pool Outlets and Servicing Business #117

$1,490,000 + SAV Ref: 1023307

This Would Be One of the Most Profitable, Paid Upfront, Dual Pool Outlet and Large Mobile Pool Servicing Businesses in QLD! This High Net Income Yield, is a Result of Multiple Years of Double Digit Growth, (Which is Organically Generated). Thanks to a Fast Growing Population, Inbound Referrals From Existing Clients & Online Enquiries. This is a Diverse Client, Recurring, Pre-Booked & Positive Cashflow Business. Also Includes Multiple Managers Running the Outlets, Day-to-Day…This Owner Invests Optional ‘Overseeing’ Hours.

  • Established for 18 years by the current owner, this is one of the most profitable, multi-pool outlets, and extremely large mobile pool servicing business, operating in the most sought-after locations within SEQLD. Its annual sales growth of 12.32% (19/20) – despite COVID-19 and the previous year’s growth of 14.28% (18/19) has contributed to the high net income return. And it is incredibly high! This has all been achieved by mainly organic growth.
  • There is high level of local area population growth and an impetus for residents to outsource their pool cleaning. Immediate potential exists for local school clients.  This owner has already been made extremely financially comfortable from this business, which also means that retirement and having all the money to enjoy it, is now in focus.
  • After 18 years this owner knows just how much latent and untapped potential exists within this business and most importantly its high growth within the regions it services. It is literally just waiting for a new owner who has a renewed vigour for converting what is obvious and easy to convert, given all the benefits that this business offers. This high annual yield has been ample to keep this owner happy and content for nearly two decades.
  • For the sake of the growing demand literally at this business’s doorstep, it is time for it to shift gear and be taken from millions of annual sales, into another million being added to the top line.
  • This is a relatively simple and straight forward business, which will always be in demand. As, the majority of its income is derived from its large and diverse clientele who are pre-booked and contracted for their regular mobile pool servicing. This means that this business is scalable in both directions, able to receive even more walk-ins through the doors of its multiple outlets and can expand upon the hundreds upon hundreds of pool services being provided at present. The market requires even more, the demand and requests continue to come in, which will be left for the new owner to benefit from.
  • The growth in local area population continues to serve up more inbound and organic conversion of clients. Clients are adding pools to increase the values of their homes, they are renovating older homes and new homes or multi-dwelling buildings are also being build, everywhere.
  • This business just so happens to service many of the most sought after, affluent and high quality socio-economic areas within the greater Brisbane region. Having multiple managers in place, this owner does not service pools.
  • With multiple managers in place and several pool technicians to complete all the pool servicing for local schools, real estates, body corporate management companies, residences etc.
  • Viewing operational and financial reports is made easy thanks to having a fully integrated, cloud-based management software which provides what this organisation needs to operate and grow, in a well managed way.
  • If it were not for retirement of this ‘baby boomer’ owner, this 18 year old business would not be transferring now. This colossal business investment, having never been available for transfer until now.
  • Any new owner can now make an amazing amount of money, and is free to choose time invested, as the outlets and mobile pool servicing arms of the business are staff managed.
  • Due to pools always needing to be serviced, for them to be safely used, makes this particularly large business investment one of the most financially secure. Coupled with the fact that it generates such a high net income yield, for such minimal hours invested, means that this is a true business – in every sense of the word.
  • Not many businesses can say that they are posting double digit sales growth to date, without the owner doing anything different to what has been done previously…
  • When you see the net income being generated, you’ll come to understand just how secure this investment actually is, how predictable its income, and being based upon organic and inbound enquiries and client conversion. Just wait until the new owner takes this already financially successful business and add another million to the top line…by simply following the breadcrumbs.
  • This owner will provide a ‘road map’ for the new, motivated owner so to generate even more money.
  • For the sake of this business and all the clients who continually turn up asking to be supplied and serviced, it is the duty of the new owner to meet this growing demand, which exists within these affluent and growing suburbs of Brisbane.
  • With the many benefits boasted by this business, we recommend that you don’t delay in finding out more about this unique and high-quality option. Peruse the detailed business profile and find out why it has been so successful. It will certainly make your day when you see just how easy it is for any owner, not matter their background, to make an exorbitant amount of net income yield, per annum. All while invests only a few minimal hours (being the new owner’s choice), as the managers and staff manage the business in your absence.

This dual business package, including two outlets, and an extremely large mobile pool servicing clientele, who pay upfront upon servicing. A regular as clockwork income, creates a predictability that is most comforting. Let this owner retire and a new owner take this investment to where it wants to go, being for $1.49 million + SAV ($130-150K – fast moving stock)

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