[SOLD – OFFER RECEIVED WITHIN 8 BUSINESS DAYS] Home Based, Online-Only Gift Hamper and Related Gift Supply Business #245
$39,950 + SAV Ref: 1023804

After a Decade of Trading, this Owner is Ready to Transfer this Ideal Home Based, Online-Only Gift Hamper and Related Gift Supply Business. Base From the Comfort and Convenience of Any Home in Australia! Providing the National Market with a Large Range of Top-Quality Hamper and Gift Products, all Being Presented Beautifully. Provides a Wonderful Cashflow as 100% of Purchases are Paid Upfront and Given to Teachers, Mums, Friends, Relatives and Colleagues. Commercial and Business Clients also Return to Purchase from this Much-Loved Brand. A Well-Established Sales History, But this Owner has a Full-time Job and Doesn’t have the Time to Support Further Sales and Profit Growth & Promotion!
- Established by this same owner 10 years ago, this 100% online gift hamper and related gift product supply webstore – business offers a positive, paid upfront cashflow. Any new owner could become extremely proud of owning this ‘plump with potential’ internet-based investment.
- Here’s why…
- This owner chose to say yes to a ‘a once in a lifetime’ full-time position when it was offered, therefore, has had to rely upon casual support staff to pick, pack and despatch client orders instead, being from this owner’s home base, as this owner is absent for the entire working week!
- It would be easy for any new owner to hire casual staff closer to their own home-based office, anywhere in the nation, if they were required, otherwise, the new owner could devote 20-25 part-time hours to support this operation’s inbound and passively received online transactions, instead.
- This business offers any new owner or existing industry business, no matter their background or prior skills, many options and ways to go about generating further sales and profit growth. The classic scenario was that this owner chose to activate a Google AdWords campaign but had to stop it soon after, due to it generating too much response from new clients!
- Quite frankly, this is a unique ownership situation whereby this owner must maintain a full-time position within a different industry. It does not bode well when a business’s expansion and growth opportunities cannot be tapped into or activated due to its owner having little to no time to devote to it.
- This business’s range is also sought after within this niche segment of the multi-billion-dollar Australian gift market. The range is of the highest quality and presentation, so much so that clients are always proud to order, pay upfront and have these hampers and gifts sent around the country to their friends, colleagues, and family. They even return to do so again and again… This includes ‘fan favourite’ business and corporate clients who wish to support their staff and clients with gifts.
- These hamper and gifted products not only include the highest quality goods but provides them at wonderful ‘value for money’ prices. So many more clients, if they knew about this business’s gift hampers and related products would simply want to add them to their online ‘shopping carts’ and also return often!
- This investment also includes an upgraded website and the latest web-based management software platform which supports the management and reporting of all inbound and online-based client transactions. This is an internationally renowned software system that provides ample data and support for this online investment. Ready to be grown from its already long-established web base…
- Basically, this owner is unable to devote more than an average of 3-5 hours (approx.) per month to support this business, and this is not being fair to this business, especially when it offers ample potential to make even more sales, as it does now, regardless of this owner’s absenteeism.
- This business deserves to be loved and cared for by a new owner who can readily embrace and support its current and future growth options.
- This owner has the ‘road map’ to growing and expanding this proven and long-established online medium effectively and efficiently. After a decade-long trading history, there has been ample learning ‘what to do and what not to do’ which as the new owner will benefit from directly, once told.
- This knowledge for the new owner of this niche market, the gift hamper business will be invaluable for the new owner’s future success. Time-proven and tested strategies for increasing the demand for this business’s products will be provided generously.
- Investing in this 10-year-old online, gift-based Webstore means that a new owner need not do all the many years of trialling and testing what works and save this time and money. It has already been done!
This owner is genuinely time-poor, and a new owner is required to take this business over now to support its present and future sales activities and passive paid upfront client orders receipted. All for just a ridiculously low investment of $39,950 + SAV $10K or the nearest offer
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