[Offer Received Within 1.5 Months] Large and Market Leading National Toy Importer, Wholesaler/Distributor and Supplier #254
$1,995,000 + SAV Ref: 1024081

Established over the Long Term, this Large and Market Leading National Toy Importer, Wholesaler/Distributor and Supplier has Increased its Sales Organically Yet Again in 2022, by Another 6.61% (approx.). This Being on Top of Its Multi-Million Dollar Sales Revenues Posted Consistently Per Annum! Includes Exclusive Own Brand Products and High Gross Profit Margins. Having Thousands of National Based Wholesale Business Clients Ordering Its Popular Range Provides a ‘High Barrier to Entry’. It’s Proud of its Large National Share of the Nation’s Growing Toy Market…Includes Government Funded Clients with the Majority of Wholesale Clients Paying Upfront for their Volume Based Orders!
- Established for many decades by this current owner, it is now time for this owner to retire from this growing, national toy product import and wholesale distribution investment.
- Long term employed management staff are all in place operating the day to day (5 days only), on behalf of this owner! This owner chooses to invest optional, flexible and lifestyle supportive hours per week, which includes other hobbies and interests.
- Any new owner (no matter skill, prior industry knowledge or experience) or existing industry business would be proud of achieving these direct import based gross profit margins and would enjoy the subsequent flow of net income that falls so readily to the bottom line and bank account of this colossal market share business.
- The secret to this financially rock solid and stable operation is based upon it assuming and maintaining the loyalty of thousands of its purchasers, as well as this resulting in holding a greater segment of the national toy industry market share. The diversified client industries represent a major ‘feather in this operation’s cap’, being wholesale clients who purchase good volumes of products and regularly. These clients being located around the country (including many large volume-based government funded clients). These high-volume purchasers are the very best type of clients to supply to with their payments being nearly guaranteed.
- Plus, there is the transfer of a 1500-2000+ strong business clientele who predominantly pays upfront when ordering. This is a large operation offering a range and level of servicing that remains unrivalled in the country.
- The diverse and always changing product range (by adding new products, proven popular first in the larger US and European markets), has always set the course for greatness, and a sales trajectory that is organic of nature.
- The diversity within the supply chain and having the benefits of a stock consolidating service offshore provides the golden, ‘commercial trinity’ of product, supplier, and clientele diversity – This business is frankly one of the very best in our country today!
- This business is hitting sales records, with domestic travel and tourism now flourishing and Australians are spending more onshore, rather than travelling abroad (being extremely costly to do so). With more Australians staying on soil for their travels and holidays, including and most importantly for their everyday spending on toys for their children, sales have just continued to grow naturally for this endeavour.
- This is one of the top 4 industries that flourish during tougher economic times, already proven as COVID-19 proof, with its decades of trading history, it has also confirmed that it is recession proof.
- Parents are always seeking out ways to entertain and engage their children, to buy them toys that keep them happy and content for longer. There is also a growing trend among parents nationally to want to offer their children a variety of activities which doesn’t limit them to sitting in front of a computer or mobile device screen.
- Being the direct importer of nearly 1,000 (approx.) time proven and popular products, providing oh so much commercial and financial comfort, which comes from knowing that this type of product business can and has ‘weathered every economic storm or environment’. This investment has staff management in place, providing millions of dollars of sales reliably and relatively consistently, year after year. This is based on the fact that it supplies products that have always remained in high demand the nation over. There is a growing population base which needs more toys for more children.
- The next and most obvious move for this business is to capitalise on the fact that it is a major direct importer. Therefore, setting up a new brand and webstore, providing the range direct to consumers would be most advantageous. Plus, a new owner actively promoting and supplying its large product range (mainly top selling products) online, or to many more wholesale clients/ distributors etc, adding many social media platforms, affiliate websites, online product re-sellers etc.
- The nation is this business’s playing field and there is even option to continue exporting its products (including its own branded exclusive products) into the larger US and European markets etc.
- This business can also increase its drop-shipping services to a larger base of clients, which would encourage even more sales annually.
- This business is so large that it has the size and stature that continues to propel its sales forward organically, year after year. This natural momentum comes from being trusted by thousands of business clients and being in a position to fulfil its regular client orders. So commercially luxurious is this business and ultimately lifestyle supportive that prior to, during COVID-19, including to date in 22/23, it has never needed to email or promote its product range to its existing client database, via email (no sending of regular campaigns etc).
- To be one of those fortunate to receive even more detail about this business, request via email your own copy of the business profile. The transfer of this unique, large market share, direct importer and large range, national wholesale distribution investment is nothing but genuine, having become available for the first time in many decades. This business is that good to own, proven by the current owner’s tenure (includes own branded exclusive products).
This riveting endeavour is ready to be taken to its next level of sales and profit growth! All for just $1.995 Million + SAV ($750K – $850K approx. – fast moving stock) Open to all genuine offers
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