[Offer Received Within 15 Business Days] Aged/Health Care, Disability and Mobility Product Equipment Provider, Distributor, with Outlet #315
$699,000 + SAV Ref: 1024228

Established for More than 30 Years, this is a Large Turnover and Profit, Aged/Health Care, Disability and Mobility Product Equipment Provider, Distributor, with Outlet. Being One of the Largest Operating within this Fast Growing, Highly Populated Region, and Supplier to this Always in Demand and Growing Industry! Having Been Available for Transfer to a New Owner/Existing Industry Business Only Twice in 30+ Years! This is the 2nd Time, So Don’t Delay! Due to its Sales Largely Being Referrals and Repeat Ordering, its Diverse and Extremely Long-Term Industry Network Makes it Proud. Includes Pre-Approved, Internally Registered Product Provider Status within this Booming, Financially Secure (Government Funded) Industry. Ample Passive Income as the Outlet is Fully Staff Managed!
- The large network of industry and government funded referrers (70+% of sales volumes) continue to keep the sales of this aged/health care, disability, mobility and living aid product distributor, supplier, and hirer “in the money”, literally.
- Relative to its total sales per annum, this business owner need not spend more than just $8,470 on its annual advertising. Its existing clients and industry members such as local hospitals, medical centres, nursing homes, home care providers, occupational therapists and related aged/health care establishments continue to support this well-known, trusted and market leading brand with client orders.
- Oh, let’s remind you these are pre-approved, government allocated amounts that the client has been gifted to spend at this business. So, spending doesn’t seem to be an issue for clients, as their daily comfort, convenience and safety is always paramount to them. This mobility and related aged/living aid product range includes scooters, wheelchairs, walkers, walking sticks, commodes, assisted living products etc. These are always in constant demand and supplied by this business – direct to the client within their home or to the industry establishment! There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of products and variations available to this booming market of clients. Demand is expected to continue to rise over the next decade, if not longer, as the baby boomers continue to retire.
- With little to no marketing of its existing website, geography offers no limit to the expansion phase that this business is now entering. In need of a new owner to take it to where it wants to go, as this owner’s 5-year plan has been fulfilled and is now re-entering a lifelong industry.
- This is a staff managed business, with its manager being employed for more than the last decade, treating the business as if it were her own. This owner enjoys the client interaction, being a “feel and do good” industry for those more vulnerable and in need within our community. Therefore, this owner invests hours during the week, but a new owner (not requiring any prior industry skill, knowledge, or background) or existing industry business could replace this owner with a delivery driver employee. This role within the business, outside of the staff managed outlet and business, has been by choice and is optional for the new owner.
- There being ample profit for a new owner or company to invest in a staff member to replace this single owner, allowing the free time to “build” upon the strong passive, inbound and largely organic sales, and client base of this highly successful operation.
- This is in fact what this business deserves, a highly motivated and enthused owner, ready to tap into ample potential for sales and profit growth. If only this owner’s list of growth opportunities were immediately activated. i.e. Supplying products via the website and marketing it actively would be one of the first, that could generate ample new sales and client enquiries.
- This business has so few direct competitors, due to its size, stature, and notary position within the community and within the minds of its major industry referrers. This business being so well funded by 3rd party government budgets pre-approved for its clientele, which equates to budgets allocated in the billions of dollars. Therefore, this investment is more “financially secure” and acts as a “safe haven” when compared to the average business.
- Quite frankly, for this owner, this business is already busy enough, and generating ample funds to enjoy, per week and per annum. This owner has settled into a financial and operational comfort zone.
- This business finds itself quite literally in the right place at the right time, and speaking of time, it could extend its current operating hours to generate even more income, per week, being open only Monday to Friday.
- This operation’s owner, its manager and staff have been able to capture a growing level of client demand for aged/health care, disability, and mobility products. Given its 30+ years of trading (only 2 owners), this business’s industry support, alliances, loyalty, and network can be likened to that of the root structure of a large oak tree… which runs deep. It is unfathomable just how deep the industry connections go and how far they reach for this brand. The total client and referring network extend far and wide, mainly throughout two fast populating regions (Gold Coast, down to northern NSW).
- There being ample products on offer, but the pride comes from the high quality and great number of clients returning often. Most coming with pre-qualified budgets to spend.
- This business literally maintains a large piece of the aged/health, mobility, disability care industry “market pie” within its local region of servicing and supply. Who wouldn’t want to profit from the growth being experienced within the aged care industry…expected for another decade, at minimum!
- With this resultant high net income being provided any new owner of this business, need not underestimate this downright exciting option to get amongst a highly supportive and well-funded industry.
- It will make your week or even year (dare we say financial life) after previewing this business’s highly detailed profile.
- This is a robust, solid and foundation member of the aged/health, mobility, disability and living aid product supply and distribution industry. This being one of the top product suppliers of its kind, unique in its modelling, being not only a low-cost operation, but due to its wonderful internal strategies being adhered to, it can achieve so much more on the bottom line for such little cost!
Become in support of those more vulnerable and in need, and profit as a result. Now that’s the definition of a true “give back and be provided for in spades” investment. All for just $699K + SAV $250K (fast stock turn) Open to all genuine offers

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