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Unique, Gourmet and Health Food Product Range Supplier, Producer and Wholesaler #258

$349,000 + SAV Ref: 1023987

This is Certainly One Unique, Preservative Free, Organic Ingredient, Gourmet and Health Food Product Range Supplier, Producer and Wholesaler to Major Food and Gourmet Product Distributors and Wholesale Clients. Mainly Distributing within SE QLD, Northern NSW and Beyond (Light Manufacturing Products for 2 Days Only, Per wk). This Part-time Hour, 16 Year Trading Niche Product Wholesaler/Distributor & Boutique Producer Enjoys High Gross Profit Margins. Free Time and its Many Lifestyle Benefits Includes a Long Term, Loyal Network of High-Volume Purchasing Clientele, who Regularly Request this ‘Always in Demand’ Product Range…

  • Established for the last 16 years (only 2 owners to date), there are many new products ready to be launched to market for the benefit of a new owner or existing industry business. Being a prized ‘bolt on’ for an existing food wholesaler, distributor, or producer.
  • With such high gross profit margins being posted year after year thanks to its top selling and core product range, this business just continues to deposit money into this part-time business’s bank account, and consistently (part hours during the week operation only).
  • It is ‘fun’ owning this business, as it provides ample free time for its owner during the week (no weekends), so that any new owner can come and enjoy these unique lifestyle benefits. But the benefits just continue… Including receipting high average dollar value invoices, which are paid by major food and gourmet product distributors. These orders being received regularly like clockwork. This long-term loyalty and high-quality clientele is an enviable aspect of owning this operation.
  • It also includes the direct of these always in demand food products direct to wholesale business clients. The type of clientele who stocks this brand and always expanding product range includes hundreds of health food stores, delicatessens, independent grocers, supermarkets and convenience stores, gourmet food stores and many more.
  • Clients are also supplied in bulk, such as food service clients. Financial security is offered to any new owner as the larger volume purchasing distributors have remained loyal to this brand for more than the last decade! This tenure spanning the majority of the clientele.
  • This is just a well loved and respected gourmet food range and brand, as it offers value for money pricing, high gross profit margins which every business client can enjoy, especially when the pricing is exceeded by its high-quality ingredients (includes organic ingredient and farm sourced) and taste.
  • This is an extremely secure way to invest only part-time hours but make ample net income return! When compared to most other businesses of its kind, there are many fundamental differences that sets this business apart from the rest…
  • This is an already highly popular and always in demand product range of gourmet foods (gluten free/GMO/chemical and preservative free etc.). This business is poised to continue to profit from the massive growth experienced both locally and nationally in relation to gluten free and organic product markets.
  • At present, this operation already has a very strong product distribution channel.
  • This product range is so popular it has required little to no marketing/advertising or even direct product promotion, as its quality has allowed clients to generate new distributors and new business clients continually and organically over its decade and a half of trading. As example, just $22.72 was spent on advertising during the 21/22 financial year and $27.87 in 20/21!
  • This business’s brand is renowned and respected for its quality within the gourmet food market.
  • This business owner continues to witness its sales continue organically, by way of popularity among consumers and wholesale business clients, major food, and gourmet / health product distributors, as these products are just addictive!
  • Yes, make no mistake, these products taste this good and are affordable for the average person’s budget. There has always been a deliberate emphasis on producing great tasting products that are near addictive, due to the high-quality ingredients and unique method of their creation. Using age old tried and proven methods and recipes.
  • This business is able to satisfy one of the nation’s fastest growing market segments, gluten free and organic ingredient products etc. This business is actually simple in nature, business clients simply come back for more and more – again and again, for more than the last decade. So many business clients can attest to purchasing religiously from this brand!
  • There is ample potential for this business’s sales to be grown, even doubled in fact (producing and packing products for courier-based delivery, 2 weekdays mainly, per week).
  • Expanding the current distribution (mainly NSW and QLD), plus a new owner encouraging more online, web-based sales. All is possible, due to the proven popularity of these products and its trusted brand. These products are also easy to produce, but not without this business’s unique recipes.
  • Many distributors/business clients have placed orders of a reliable volume for many years to date. This business owes its success to its product quality, its unique free time and lifestyle supportive business model and its clients who continually talk about it. This is what generates a naturally occurring client enquiry rate, as advertising hasn’t been a focus of this owner, content with this earn and overall package of ownership benefits.

Enjoy profits made from an extremely well-established business (16 years), utilising highly effective and long-term proven distribution channels. One of the highest quality of business clientele, which includes major food and gourmet product distributors and a product you just want to eat more of, once tasted! Request your detailed business profile now, as this is a genuine transfer for only $349K + SAV ($20K – $40K) Open to all genuine offers


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